Breastfeeding Help

If you need breastfeeding help, your Midwife or Well Child/ Tamariki Ora provider will be a good place to start for help and advice.

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Gisborne / Wairoa Plunket fb-art 

“Together, the best start for every child. Mā te mahi ngātahi e pūawai ai ā tātou tamariki.”
  • Plunket Office – ph 06 8677711
  •  PlunketLine is 24/7 and free to call on 0800 933 922.


Turanga health – Tamariki Ora fb-art  

Breastfeeding  Support –  (06) 869 0457

E Tipu e Rea Co-ordinator – Grace Donald 027 435 2167

Breastfeeding Help

Turanga Health’s Tamariki Ora programme provides the following:

Antenatal wānanga, Breastfeeding help, support and education, Well Child Checks for your pēpi/ Tamariki from 4—6 weeks old to 4 years of age, Pēpi Pods, Car Seat Scheme, Referrals to other services/ organisations

You can also download the very helpful Breastfed NZ App:

BF App EngBF App FrontBF App Maori Click on the image to download the app.

La Leche League has many helpful booklets about breastfeeding and breastfeeding problems. Click on the booklets below or the link for even more:

La leche MaoriLa Leche SamoanLa Leche EngLa Leche Tongan


Tamaiti kai wai u tenei ra, ka ora te tamaiti apopo!